Holistic yoga therapy for the individual. After speaking to you about what you want to achieve on a physical, emotional and spiritual level, I will construct a class that is tailor-suited to your needs. I will create personal meditations and visualisations designed to help you tackle whatever challenges you are facing and be on hand to assist you going deeper into your postures. One on one teaching is hugely beneficial for both refining physical asana and deepening your relationship to yourself.


Whether you want to construct a weekly practice with a group of friends or your family members at home or you would like to create a one-off event or retreat, group classes are a way to avoid the crowds of busy yoga studios and practice in a safe and calm environment.


Having a weekly yoga practice within your workspace is a great way to recharge and release the tension of the working week. Office yoga classes help create a peaceful working environment whilst reinforcing techniques that help your office deal with the stress and tension of the working world.